The past seven
days have been abundant – full of blessings -- in more ways than I can
describe. So I name just a few. My sweetheart Kay and I thoroughly enjoyed :
1) a piano
recital feast in the Kaysville Tabernacle, by a world-famous concert pianist
2) Thanksgiving dinner with most (27) of the family in
our cozy frontier home; (the antithesis of fast food, although Kay rushed me
through third helpings, to join the family program); note: Kay is absolutely
the best cook, and did most of the work – she is so amazing!!
3) freedom from Black-Friday (and Thursday-night)
madness, as retailer discounts didn’t budge us one bit, or two bits (= 25 cents)
4) sleeping late Saturday morning, fortunately missing
the 6 a.m. second tsunami of sales
5) the annual Kaysville Nativity Celebration at the
Kaysville Tabernacle and cultural hall, full of artistic international displays
of nativity scenes and music
6) a senior-siblings get-together at Kay’s sister Susan’s
gorgeous home in the land of Bountiful, with an abundance of pies, nuts, and
story-telling by older folks like us
7) a 360-degree, surround sunrise this morning, starting
another week of counting blessings; (actually, Kay enjoyed sleeping while I
took photos for her to see later)
8) making cherished memories we hope to keep alive for
years to come.
I thank Heavenly Father for His goodness and mercy, and
for a loving, forever family.