Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Working Naturally

A work in progress, selling at the nursery since last March – "I'm lovin' it." (My big hat goes off to McD 99-cent cheeseburgers and Kay's apricot jam sandwiches for keeping my energy level up within our budget!)

As I've commented many times, "Nice customers and employees with whom I work."  Forget retirement – who needs it?  ("A 20th-century concept," I say.)  Serving, learning, walking, running, lifting trees into trucks – it all keeps me young, I think.  And I truly feel blessed. 

Monday, August 1, 2016

Pioneering Continued

While we enjoyed a family trip in the Midwest last month, visiting Church history sites, the folks in Utah celebrated Pioneer Day around July 24th.  (More fireworks than ever, I’m sure.)  Kay and I hope our family, wherever they were, gained greater appreciation for the sacrifices made by the early members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

As Brigham Young’s vanguard company of 148 pioneers approached the Great Salt Lake Valley in 1847, a group moved ahead to scout a route and prepare a wagon road through Emigration Canyon.  On July 21st, two leaders caught sight of the valley and the Great Salt Lake.

A month earlier, on Monday June 21st, another contingent of 130 persons had begun the trek west from Winter Quarters.  Charles Coulson Rich was in charge of his own company and the militia for that entire camp.

[A work in progress, to include excerpt from Charles C Rich by Leonard J. Arrington, ©1974, Brigham Young University Press.]