Wednesday, May 31, 2017

"And I'm like ..."

Car horns honk all around ... to lock doors.  And I'm like ... is that annoying noise necessary?  Or is there another way to lock late-model cars?

(Sorry.  I had to ... like ... get two things off my mind by writing.)

Have a pleasant day!

Monday, May 29, 2017

Memorial Day: Memories

Just another Monday holiday?  Not so.  This Memorial Day, I recall treasured memories and cemetery scenes that remind me of eternal family.  I am so grateful.

(Posted 25 May 2014, about those who have passed on:)
With love for family and friends who are actually more alive than we who are living.

And there is room here for more memories.  There is no end …

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Sustainable Strategy

Renting storage units nearby worked short-term for moving out of our frontier home we sold.  Now what's a sustainable strategy for further discarding, donating, condensing, and safely stacking stuff to the top of the big unit so we can vacate two extra storage units by the 31st?!  How do I turn chaos into order?

If that weren't my immediate concern, I could pay more attention to our president's need for a sustainable strategy to turn our country around as promised.  If it’s in a mess, what will it take to transform it into a smooth-running system?  I can only pray and hope for the best while I tune out the distracting, negative chatter this month.

reminder that last winter was the end of my shoveling here on frontier