In 2017, my wife Kay & I were assigned as missionary companions (naturally) to serve in Detroit for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Much of Michigan signage fascinated me, especially while Sister Cannon was driving, I was navigating, and iPhone was taking pictures — (not the focus of our work, of course).
Friday, September 25, 2020
Ongoing Signage
Sunday, September 20, 2020
Friendly Meetings
Today was noteworthy (as the Sabbath day should be, to start every week). I met dear friends at church this morning and in our apartment community afterward. I love these people, who are like family to my companion Kay & me.
My personal, new-normal linger longer is outside the meetinghouse, immediately following our 45-minute sacrament service. (Feels good to relieve my back, lower the mask, and breathe freely — a few social feet away, of course.) It’s my natural way to reconnect with friends I don’t see elsewhere. I’m in no hurry, being home in Ogden already; and Sister Cannon is busy on “the other side”, helping others come closer to Christ.
My “front room” at the apartments is welcoming with a big-screen TV that is rarely used, a communal kitchen, and a baby grand piano I play. Friendly meetings are small on Sunday afternoon and growing larger every Monday evening for “Come, Follow Me” discussions. Wednesday movie nights are getting started, recalling Thursday movie nights Kay & I introduced in that social room around 2006. Life is good
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
Not too late: 20 for 2020
With 15 weeks remaining in 2020, there is ample time for the popular New Year’s “20 for 2020” list to be completed. (Also applies to us who haven’t started yet.) I was eight months slow getting the idea yesterday, a fresh approach to New Year’s resolutions, but decided it is not too late. ( Imagine some folks having given up in February after starting January 2nd.)
I should leave the idea up to your imagination or January 2020 journal, then start my list and share some later. (Maybe 20 verses of scripture to memorize, 20 postcards to mail, 20 good turns to do, or a combination to challenge me.)
Recalling my wife Kay’s daily lists of 20 or so, I stand amazed at what she accomplished (crossed out) most days. I treasure those as family history ... with love.
Friday, September 11, 2020
“Marking 19 Years Since ...”
Is it a note in history books and a filler in TV news? After 19 years, it took some digging with iPhone to find commentary on the horrific 9/11 attacks and the surge of patriotic unity. Rosendale at Channel 4 in New York wrote about it. Not surprisingly, much of 9/11/2020 is a messy mix of divisive politics awkwardly tied to the anniversary.
I was watching CNBC when it happened.
I will never forget!
Posted Sunday, September 11, 2011:
The Language of 9/11
Remembering ...
Ten years later
Sunday, September 6, 2020
Distant Gatherings
Throughout the past six months, I have been spiritually uplifted by meetings on my iPhone. Often staying home, due to worldwide circumstances, I have enjoyed broadcasts online and Zoom meetings held in distant places. As a random way of writing personal history, this post adds to my odd collection ... for the record.