Sunday, November 22, 2020

Gratitude Journal

Over recent years, I have occasionally kept a gratitude journal — something which should have been kept consistently.  However, I find value in the few notes available for review, especially around Thanksgiving.

I am thankful for the Lord's missionaries, especially my forever companion Kay, who served with me for 12 months in the Detroit mission.  Having passed away and accepted a new assignment two years ago, she continues serving on the other side.  Our mission is to bring others closer to Jesus Christ, for whom I am deeply grateful. 

Sunday, November 25, 2012

“I thank Heavenly Father for His goodness and mercy, and for a loving, forever family.”

Monday, 11/23/2020, in our group home evening, I shared appreciation for the healing power of gratitude.  Love of God’s creations motivates me to get out and enjoy nature.  That restores me.  The benefits are physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.  I often take photos for my journal of joy.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

I am grateful for the scriptures, for they are the word of God.  As I read them, I am reminded of His love every day.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

I give thanks for our five children, their families, and loved ones whom Kay & I have “adopted” as forever friends.  They bless the lives of countless “fellow passengers“ on Earth.

Thanksgiving, November 26, 2020

Oh, happy day!  Kay & I have always been grateful for Thanksgiving Day.  Our Hinckley and Cannon traditions go way back with loving memories and thanks to Heavenly Father for all blessings.

Friday, November 27, 2020

The women and men who served and are serving in our military certainly deserve thanks and support.  I am grateful for their sacrifice, and I pray for them.

Friday, November 20, 2020

Halfway Thru Holidays

The holiday halfway point for me is like intermission in a four-hour, epic movie.  (Young people may not have experienced that.)  A break for ... you know — whatever.  It’s about time for me to reflect on celebration since October 1st and look forward to our virtual Cannon Thanksgiving, unplanned Christmas and New Year’s Eve.  A special time of year, despite different circumstances.

I am grateful for so many ways to share joy with family and friends this season.  Stop and think about it during halftime ... with love.

Saturday, November 21 addition:

Yesterday, after posting gratitude above, I heard Russell M. Nelson, president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, invite us all to use social media to share our gratitude every day for the next seven days.

I am thankful for good examples shown by family and friends, including loved ones where Kay & I served a mission in 2018 (our Michigan Family).

Saturday, November 14, 2020

All One Word

Last Tuesday I got this idea from Exploring Music, a favorite radio program I hear online.

(“Our website address is ExploringMusic, all one word, dot WFMT dot com.”)

Likewise of course, LanguageFastFood is one word in my Blogspot URL.  For a Gmail address of mine, it goes without saying: ProLanguageEdit.

For example, serving an older demographic ("people aged 65 and over"), I often teach, “FamilySearch is one word.”  Our “Ogden FamilySearch Center” across the street (closed since temporary shutdown last March) is three words and wants to open soon!

In Michigan, my forever companion Kay & I served as self-reliance missionaries, among other duties.  Another example: well-being is all one word, hyphenated.  Wishing you well, being positive we will pass the test.

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Sensible Portions

Waking up late from a nap, I divert from the usual schedule and share my midnight madness.  (Was it a freight train, police siren, or my fridge that woke me?)  I feel blessed with sensible portions of sleep, comfort food, music, and work to do — just a few of my favorite things.  (For example, I credit a fun snack, Garden Veggie Straws, for this Fast Food title, as the big bag suggests not eating it all at once.)

For my needs, some good things are sensibly limited to nearly nothing, leaving room for things I prefer.  News, TV, movies, social media, chili, soda, pop music — tiny portions satisfy.  (Remember, this is just my “shared journal”.)  Other things come in larger portions of one-hour church, two-hour symphony concerts, half-hour walks, three hours of reading (including snack breaks), casserole, cranberry juice, hours of editing, loving memories of Kay, time with family and friends.  That lifestyle makes sense for me.

What are sensible portions of food, fun, family and friends for you?

sensible suggestion for good health

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Morning Motors

Some mornings I wake to the sound of noisy start-ups in our parking lot and wish I were as ambitious and committed as my neighbors heading out to serve at work.  Sometimes I struggle to get out of bed, as if my engine were sputtering, unlike the powerful trucks (F-250, Ram, Silverado) and muscle cars (“high-performance” Camaro, Charger, Mustang) I hear in the early morning.  How can I be energized like those amazing, vaunted vehicles!

Mighty motors move men and women in the morning — gotta love ‘em.  (People and their rides.)

warning to walkers: watch the hook 

worthy of additional mention

stopped sputtering -- resting in peace