Friday, May 21, 2021

Light at the end of a tunnel

It’s coming, and I’m starting to see some organization in my new home, a studio apartment in the land of Bountiful.  Taking several weeks for a slow move was my choice over hiring two muscle men and a box truck for one day.  Never again!  ( I will hire next time.)

We have traveled through numerous tunnels by car and train, and through others metaphorically.  Every one (even at night) had light at the end — always a welcome sight.  However, entering the tunnel, such as a move to a new home or career, was often dark and scary.  On the part of my daring wife Kay & me, it required faith in the light at the end ... and in the guidance of the Spirit to help us through when we knew there was no turning back.

Submitting our “papers” and selling our frontier home were leaps of faith in order to serve a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  With our assignment to Detroit, the quick sale of our property, and an apartment in our daughter’s basement nearby, we began to see the light at the end of that tunnel.  There was no turning back, and we were grateful for the heavenly light that surely came. 

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Soundtrack for the day

Sounds from New York City inspired me today, including a promotional wish from WQXR Classical radio station, “... adding good music to the soundtrack for your day.” (paraphrased)

I thank God for the soundtrack of every day blessed with birds, rain, fluttering US flags, Hill AFB fighter jets, children at play, flowing creek, uplifting music, kind words, and the sound of silence.

Today was rich with interesting and pleasing sounds.  If I lose my hearing, I will treasure such as recordings to replay in my mind.

Picturing your day as a movie with audio, what’s in your soundtrack and memory?

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Janath, Daughter of God

While my parents directed the visitors’ center in Illinois, my mother wrote the history, Nauvoo Panorama, copyright 1991, by Nauvoo Restoration Inc.  I quote from the author bio:

“Janath R. Cannon has served in a number of positions in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, including eighteen years as a member of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.  She was also a counselor [with President Barbara B. Smith] in the general presidency of the Relief Society — the women’s organization of the Church.  With her husband, Edwin Q. Cannon, Jr., she has served the Church in both Europe and Africa.  A Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Wellesley College [private school in Wellesley MA, ‘founded in 1870 & known for its humanities programs’], she is both a writer and an editor and has been involved with a number of articles and books on LDS Church History [including Women of Covenant: The Story of Relief Society] ...  The Cannons are the parents of six children.”

“An author bio is a paragraph or so about you ... information you wish to share with readers. It's how readers get to know you beyond the pages of your book.”

(April 2, 2020,

What would you wish to share about your mother?  In my view, especially with my wife Kay and our mothers, it’s all about love.