Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Pocket Guide to ...

What do you want to know?  There seems to be a pocket guide for everything under the sun.  With the astronomical end of summer coming tomorrow 9/22 at 3:21 PM Eastern, most folks are already back to school and work.  So, the one I wanted was available at the public library in Children’s Non-fiction: Pocket Guide to the Outdoors by Jean Craighead George, published in 2009.  “How to: build a shelter, start a fire, catch a fish ... navigate by the stars ... and much more.”

“pocket guide: A concise manual or reference book providing specific information or instruction about a subject or place.”

— thefreedictionary.com

A recent survey showed 41% of people in our country could not name the three branches of US Government.  Surely there is a pocket guide for that — quick reference in case of another civil survey.  In reality, YouTube has replaced print with video guides to most everything — taught me how to transplant a shrub and turn off emoji keyboard on iPhone.  Amazing how life is simplified now.

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Prayer and Desire

After considering the principle of prayer for this post, I reviewed my shared-journal entry of September 20, 2018.  I believe it was not coincidental that I found the following, posted two weeks before my wife passed:

Early Thursday morning [9/20/2018], Kay said the sweetest prayer for a senior missionary serving in Michigan, whose husband, Elder Estep, passed away from a heart attack Wednesday night.  We have fond memories of working with them.  Tears of love!!”

Undoubtedly that prayer was an expression of her soul’s sincere desire, which was heard by our loving Heavenly Father.  Three years ago, and still inspiring me to keep the faith.  I have a feeling our Angel Kay is comforting Sister Estep and their family on this special Sabbath Day.

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Language of 9/11 recalled

Remembering September 11 attacks

20 years later.


Terrorist attacks

Twin Towers

World Trade Center, Lower Manhattan,

New York City

The Pentagon, Washington, D.C.

Shanksville, Pennsylvania

“Let's roll” --the last known words

Singular event, tragedy

Stock market closed

Flights canceled 


American flags

Red, white & blue

United States of America

Heroes and victims

Survivors and people missing

NYPD police

FDNY firefighters

Port Authority of NY & NJ

US Department of Defense

Response justified

Anger, resolve, trying to cope

Power of prayer

Moment of silence

Mourning the dead

Ground Zero (workers called it "the pile")

Covered in ash

Like a war zone

Search & rescue/recovery

Hoping to save

Family and friends.

I was watching CNBC when it happened.

20 years ago.

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Short Story

Can it be true?  A “short story” is classified as “prose fiction”, but here’s a brief story my wife Kay wrote that is actually true:

Rocky Raccoon

Help!!  In November 1978, a raccoon got into our house on H Street — very scary!  I called Father, and he warned us to be careful, as they can be dangerous.  Finally, Animal Control came and saved our family from the wild intruder.  We were so grateful.