Monday, October 31, 2022

EMC Halloween

Remember 2020 being different?  My 10/31 post that year recalled the good old days: Halloween with our five little children was “Trick-or-Treat” time for them and “Meet-Your-Neighbors Night” for me.  My wife Kay’s delightful role was gypsy (“a nomadic or free-spirited person”), giving out candy and telling fun fortunes — legendary!

East Mill Creek, SLC Utah, was the ideal, peaceful neighborhood where our kids thrived and grew up.  A friendly family our age always invited us over to share their Halloween dinner tradition.  Once a year I had a perfect excuse to meet new neighbors and talk to old ones I hadn’t seen in twelve months ... like Mister Rogers saying, “Won’t you be my neighbor.”  (Did I mention treats the children shared with Dad afterward?)  A highlight for the kids one year was their all-out “spook alley” on a vacant lot nearby.

Let’s make more memories this holiday season!

Monday, October 24, 2022

Driving Arizona Again

An irresistible invitation from our daughter-in-law brought me to Prescott Arizona again for a “special event” yesterday.  Our youngest son Quinn is the new bishop in their ward (congregation of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints).  She was permitted to tell their children and me the night before, and the stake (several wards) president announced the new bishopric (including two counselors) in sacrament meeting the next morning.  Following response by the former bishop and his wife, who were relieved after five years of service, Quinn and Barbara spoke briefly, sharing their love and testimony of truth.  A joyful occasion, knowing our Kay, who is not far away, is proud of her worthy son.

Despite the comfort of a newer rental car, driving is a pain — a reason many tolerate flying.  (Next time.)  Nevertheless, the scenery in Arizona, topped by huge storm clouds, is amazing!  Taking time, talking to local people, learning history, visiting family in country Kanab and forested Prescott ... all make this trip worthwhile.

Monday, October 10, 2022

Drawings with Light

I look for the light, capture a memory, and quickly share it.  “Photography literally means drawings with light.”  It’s my simple attempt to be artistic and show I’m alive.

Improvement comes with practice and editing.  Take a lot and treasure a few.  That’s my photo formula.  Take it or leave it — no regrets.

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Let Peace Prevail

On this Sabbath morning of general conference, I sincerely wish, “Have a blessed day and happy holidays” to my few followers and everyone who will never see this.  “May peace prevail,” is my desire.  A search for that found “the May Peace Prevail On Earth movement, a grassroots global movement ... to bring inner peace of mind and to foster peace in the world at large."  At first glance, I see their website promotes peace in positive ways, and I don’t suspect a misguided or hidden agenda.

We think a lot about peace, probably because life seems so hectic and conflict abounds.  In my old age, I feel a special yearning, as posted 1/2/2012: “... accepting the inevitability of holiday stress?  The peace I was seeking brings me happiness.  There are tons of books written about happiness; (demand must be great.)”

Absolute truths revealed by God through His ancient and modern prophets show the way to peace.  Conference messages yesterday and today by leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints teach us how to find and stay on the Lord’s path of peace.  With gratitude for the Savior, my eternal companion Kay & I know they are true, and we invite all to come unto Christ ... with love.