Saturday, September 30, 2023

Holiday Season Too

There's the holiday season, starting tomorrow ... but first came the prepare-for-holidays season, which started a month or more ago.  

Yes, I’m guilty of a little Christmas shopping all year long ... since I got into trouble by waiting until Christmas Eve when Ogden stores were closing at 6pm on my way home from work.  Then I remembered our tradition of ending the Twelve Days of gifting on January 6th, Three Kings Day (Epiphany).  Saved!

Seeing the Spirit store open a month ago reminded me that Halloween is still a popular holiday for many.  Did you notice the yard decorations in September?  For me as a young dad with kids in costumes, it was “Meet The Neighbors Night” with gypsy Kay serving at home.  Who can forget her class act!

Diminishing promotion of Thanksgiving does not lessen my gratitude for blessings from my Heavenly Father.  In fact, I thank Him every day.  Happy holidays!

Friday, September 29, 2023

Mindful Momentum

Is moving to a new home every year or two a matter of momentum?  Maybe so for me, although it sets me back some in order to progress even more.  I don’t know, but I am mindful of how momentum works for me in other ways.

In my new downtown apartment, I have a shorter run up stairs.  Nevertheless, momentum still comes into play, regardless of my advancing age.  The lifelong habit keeps me in the running.

I am also mindful of how my mind loses momentum late at night.  Fortunately, it knows when to slow down.  Happy dreams!

Friday, September 15, 2023

ice cream social

Planning a fall gathering?  Ice cream is a favorite fast food anytime.  (Reminder: this blog is not about fast food.)

I recall our west Layton neighbor couple who held an ice cream social in their big garage and front yard every summer Sunday evening.  The standing invitation welcomed everyone in the neighborhood.  Young and older folks came and got acquainted.

When Kay & I lived across the street from Farr Better Ice Cream in downtown Ogden Utah, it was easy to hold ice cream socials for family and friends.  Now at “independent living” ... pizza and pie (preferably with ice cream) also bring our neighbors together more than card games and other activities. 

“Come on everybody, let’s choose connection!”  — RootsTech 2022 music video

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Brief Prayer Quotes Too

Recalling my 9/8/2014 post, I wish to repeat two quotes for readers who may have missed or forgotten:

"Make [group] prayers brief"
"We ought to worship Him with our hearts and not with these long, flowery sentences.  ...  We can pray by ourselves and we can take as long time as we wish ..."
"When others are kneeling down with us, we ought in our prayers to be direct and brief, and not pray about everything there is on the earth and imagine that we must mention everything in detail or the Lord won't know about it.  He does know ...  If we pay attention to the Lord's prayer that He taught His disciples, we will see the beauty of that, how simple it was and direct; it contained no superfluous words ..."  (See St. Matthew 6:9-13)  – Gospel Truth Volume 2, Discourses and Writings of President George Q. Cannoncompiled by Jerreld L. Newquist, ©1974 Deseret Book Company, p.172

"Pray without ceasing.  In every thing give thanks ..."  – 1 Thessalonians 5:17-18

I give thanks for my eternal companion Kay, and I pray for help to be worthy of her.  From experience with joy and daily miracles, I know the value of prayer.  May we all find true happiness through sincere prayer to our Father in Heaven.