Sunday, June 16, 2013

A Father’s Gift to His Son

On Father’s Day 2013, I gratefully cherished thoughts of my father, a great missionary who passed on to his next assignment years ago; I imagined him doing more of the same work, with love as always.  This morning I smiled with fun memories as Kay led the Primary children in singing “When Grandpa Comes” (Children’s Songbook ©1989 by … The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, p. 201.)  I recalled a gift that Dad’s grandfather, George Q. Cannon gave to my grandfather, Edwin Quayle Cannon:  a copy of The Holy Bible, “The S.S. Teacher’s Edition” printed at Oxford University Press in London (no date.)  On a blank front page, where people commonly kept vital records in the family Bible, GQC wrote the following precious counsel to his beloved son:

“To Edwin Q. Cannon, From his Father, Geo. Q. Cannon
Christmas, 1898
How much better is it to get wisdom than gold!  Refuse not instruction, reject not reproof.  Love the Lord with all thy heart.”

Years later, I’m sure, my grandfather marked below it with a rubber stamp: ”Property of E. Q. Cannon / Salt Lake City, Utah.”  I was privileged to inherit this family Bible after my grandparents passed away.  Although it was in poor condition, evidently used a lot, the gift with a message keeps on giving, thanks to my loving Father in Heaven.