Saturday, June 7, 2014

Hyping Up Hyperbole

Working in the yards this week has been hotter than ... fire!  (I had to change that one.)  Now it's the weekend and I could sleep for two whole days.  Exaggerations, "not meant to be taken literally." – Google definition of hyperbole.

I seldom sit through baseball games that seem to go on forever, but an associate of mine eats it up and coaches his son's team, traveling a million miles to all the tournaments.  So many love it.  After all, America's national sport is baseball, soccer or football; (the question is still up in the air.)  “Forget knocking it out of the park, Frank can knock a baseball off the continent.”  –

Find a cool place to beat the heat with all-you-can-eat ice cream, think of your favorite hyperboles, and get some extra sleep this summer.  It will be like cruising Alaska's Inside Passage.  Well, almost.  (By the way, Kay and I highly recommend it – especially that cruise.  At least Google it to enjoy the spectacular scenery!)