Monday, September 15, 2014

Play on Words

This month when other guys are thinkin’ football plays, I’m thinkin’ word plays.  I know – it’s weird … but fun, strangely enough!  The playing field has no bounds (except ”pc” and keeping it “clean”), so players can usually run without getting called out.  No pressure from emotion-charged fans who think they know more than the coaches and referees.  And it is generally addiction-free; (come to think of it … a double meaning, in light of sports news today, sad to say.)  Few fans become addicted to play on words.

The big arena I watch is marketing, the high point for millions being the Super Bowl.  The next is Super Bowl XLIX (49) – for those of us who lost track of Super Bowl numbering – to be played 2/1/15 in Glendale AZ, glad to say.  (
I won’t be attending that one, but may record on VHS tape to watch the ads and touchdowns later, or watch on YouTube, hoping to catch some exciting plays on words.  If my tape recordings of past ads were easily searchable like the Internet, I could share some great 20th-century plays before they go to the high-tech burn plant next month; (my wife Kay is encouraging me to lighten our load and save the earth.)

Here’s one as a starter play (as I see it) while I keep my eyes open for others:
A full-page 1991 business-magazine ad by Evans / Salt Lake (advertising agency) sports a long list of client companies in a single column centered (lots of white space) above this large, bold bottom-line kicker:

Somebody Up There 
Must Like Us.