Tuesday, May 19, 2015

About Me in 30 Seconds

"A 'Me in 30 Seconds' statement is a simple way to present to someone a balanced understanding of who you are."  – ldsjobs.org
(Start timer here for a fast read :)

Dogs don't like me.  My expert-dog-lover friend recently explained, "They bark at you because they sense that you are an alpha dog."  That is how I learned the reason, and found out what I am – so late in life.  Notwithstanding my boyhood love for "Lassie", I know I wasn't born to manage those wonderful companion animals.

Books love me.  They follow me home from the public library when I drop by to recycle, mesmerize me at B&N when I stop for hot chocolate, and beg my attention during thrift-store walkabouts.  I try to avoid yard sales.

Games are not my thing.  Our grandchildren invite me to play chess, Monopoly, and video games ... because they know I will lose.  
My fun-loving wife sometimes lets me win at Scrabble – so sweet!

On a serious note, I love my forever family, and find true joy in the gospel of Jesus Christ.  I want us to follow Him, and be happy.  That's balanced.

Find the word DOG in three seconds.