Monday, October 31, 2016

Forget Spooky Specters

For Halloween fun today, let's forget the spooky specters of elections (and other possibly scary happenings ... like too many calories) and their agitating aftermath.
For one day, okay?  Just a fast thought.

Google defines specter: "something widely feared as a possible unpleasant or dangerous occurrence.  Synonyms: threat, menace, shadow, cloud"
Not just for Halloween, offers this spooky definition: "A specter means a ghostly apparition, a ghost itself, or simply an idea that people find frightening."

To put things in perspective, Sister Wallace and her companion got creative and carved The Plan ...:

Our daughter emailed us from her mission in Atlanta eleven years ago:
"What are you doing for Halloween?  ...  Are you going to watch scary movies and eat candy?  I have very good memories from my childhood for this time of year.  It just reminds me of how fortunate I have been in my life. Thank you ...  My companion and I are doing pretty good about the sweets ... and I'm running almost every morning.  It feels good."
Here's wishing you Happy Holidays, and a little healthy fast food!