Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Let the Sunshine

As I opened our wood blinds on the home front to let sunshine in this morning, I caught myself singing à la The Fifth Dimension ("Aquarius" 1969).
Google defines the preposition, à la: 
"(of a dish) cooked or prepared in a specified style or manner.
(informal:) in the style or manner of."

Aquarius / Let the Sunshine In
Harmony and understanding
Sympathy and trust abounding
No more falsehoods or derisions
Let the sunshine, let the sunshine in, the sunshine in”
– google.com

Although I don’t follow astrology, I love the upbeat music for soaking up sunshine and feeling "safe and warm ... on such a winter's day" 
(à la The Mamas & the Papas, 1965).

Wishing you (in cold weather) joyous sunshine this month,
and a little healthy fast food.

grandson at our frontier home, snowed in (26 Dec 2016)