Friday, February 3, 2017

Unraveling Minutiae

Just a quick note for this shared journal: I am finally getting to the bottom of “small, precise, or trivial details … the minutiae of everyday life" (Oxford Dictionaries) … and unscrambling every bit of it.

We’ll see how that goes.  It helps to let stuff go by recycling, sending to the landfill, and donating to thrift stores & friends who appreciate “treasures”.  Anything I am tempted to keep … gets scanned by my iPhone or little “spy” Nikon, and stored on a tiny external drive before letting go.
So I avoid being “Frozen” by fear that I will need it someday and unravel ("fall apart emotionally").
(“Top Definition” at, a site I normally try to avoid.)

"Simplify, simplify" ... while focusing on more important things!
(Reminds me of a ragged paperback I found this week: my treasured copy of Walden by Henry David Thoreau.  And advice I saw: "Good books are to be shared.")

Sorting out valuable personal and family history is an interesting, albeit challenging, process.  So much to do, so little time to spend, I yearn to stop the clock.

“Seek after those things that are monumentally important and equally available to everyone.  ... things of eternal value ...”
– Elder Lawrence E. Corbridge of the Seventy, speaking at BYU-Idaho