Sunday, October 8, 2017

MDM Glossary

(Sister Cannon and I have been here in SE Michigan only one month, so this is just a start:)

area: geographic designation for part of the mission wherein two or more missionaries work.  The Howell Area of MDM is far out in NW of SE MI.

bedbug: an irritating pest in this humid climate. "Bedbugs won't kill you," said Sister Hill when receiving reports.

Coney: a favorite fast food in Michigan.  "Coney dogs are Detroit's signature food," says Katherine Yung, author of Coney Detroit.  --

house: imoss term for an apartment (typically not a house) wherein two or more missionaries live.  Sister Cannon set up a new house on her PC.

imoss: what I call the mission office computer system. I Manage the Office System Simply ... when actually it manages me, sort of.

Michiganders: residents (and loyal former residents) of Michigan.

mitten: the descriptive name of Michigan's lower peninsula -- shaped like a mitten.  Most Michiganders live on the mitten.  Some Michiganders show people where they live by pointing to a spot on their hand held up.

non-profits: community service organizations that are non-profit like Salvation Army and St. Paul's. 

obscurity: current lack of recognition by Michigan residents in general; MDM goal: bring the Church out of obscurity.

shave ice: like snow cones. MDM missionaries serve Hawaiian-flavor shave ice with "Aloha" greeting at community events.

STL: sister training leader – a sister missionary (usually about 20 years old) assigned to train other sister missionaries.

whitewash: a transfer of both/or all missionaries in an area. Dearborn South was whitewashed.

P.S.: I alphabetized it October 10th, converting it to a true glossary (a brief dictionary).
It originally went down as it came off the top of my head while up in the night in the Michigan Detroit Mission.

Locals loving our shave ice

Lots of cars in "Motor City", Michigan ... and beautiful sunsets