Thursday, August 30, 2018

Okay Updates

“Come Saturday morning ...”
(9/8/18 memories at 6am-Mtn)
A song by The Sandpipers instantly became a favorite of ours when heard on the way west — our first trip as newlyweds.  That Saturday was a special day following our marriage 47 years ago.
Yesterday was an extraordinary day with Kay!  She was amazing, reviewing family history with Angie, signing documents with an angel notary, visiting with her CNS nurse, winning Bananagrams with me, and enjoying a favorite French film called “Cyrano ...”.  (Parallelism pleases my English teacher.)  Naturally, all this made her grateful ... and tired at the end of a productive day.  Prayers were surely answered ... in the strength of the Lord.  Thanks, everyone!
10:30pm  This Saturday was remarkable!  An uplifting, special day for Kay and me, you see.
Tomorrow, the first day of the week, I should start a fresh new post.  It was a wonderful weekend!

Here it is ... Friday the 7th already, considered by some forward-looking people to be the weekend!
7am-Mtn  ... after replying to some close friends who go to work early.
Yesterday was a full day for Kay, our caregiver children, and our sons who helped me retrieve family history at our Layton storage unit.  (Lots of interesting stuff!)  Brief, quiet visits by friends were appreciated, with love.  We watched the Mr. Rogers film with our children — something Kay has especially wanted to do.  It is heartwarming, as many of you know.
Kay is waking up now, after a peaceful sleep, so I may add some later.

Ether 2:25 (the Lord responded to the brother of Jared ... with a question:)
“Therefore what will ye that I should prepare for you that ye may have light ...”

Thursday 9/6, on time 6am-Mtn, after reading to Kay some late-night, sweet messages from nieces and nephews while she got her kick-start with lemonade slush.  So much love with fun memories — a great way to start the day at 4:44!  Yesterday we were super blessed with visitors, starting with our angel Angie (in charge for the day) and the chaplain from CNS Ogden.  This kind, lovely young woman remembered Angie from Upland Terrace Elementary School in EMC, Salt Lake City!  They were so happy as they reminisced!  Comforting to Kay as well, meeting such a caring new friend.
My urgent task was to close out our “luxury” apartment on 2nd Ave (near HH).  This old man, he had a ton to do there, packing, loading, cleaning, and vac.  The little red Buick “truck” served well again, nearly to capacity.  (Imagine the pioneers moving a household with a wagon and team of oxen!)
Oh, what a blessing to be settled down in a charming home where Kay is relatively comfortable, at peace.
She was happy to see our returned-missionary friend Norma from Colonial Court Apts.  Sister Susan and Jack made the long trip to see Kay, knowing her love for Mrs. Cavanaugh’s chocolates (the best in my experience, having worked there).  Late afternoon, her best childhood friend Betsy came with her husband, having finished another season of missionary service; their Farr Better fudge ice cream helped Kay feel joy!   A dear teacher friend Jan brought amazing gifts and DVDs to watch; she was another angel watching over Kay while I was running as fast as a senior can.
Our son Curtis and Tricia were so kind to visit, staying late until I returned home, exhausted.
Loving text messages from her nieces, nephews, and others brought joy to their “fun, cool” Aunt Kay all day, continuing till midnight.  Today she will read more of them.  Precious thoughts and memories — every one bringing smiles, sometimes mixed with tears of love.
Sincere thanks again to everyone for your love and prayers!

Wednesday 9/5, adding late at 8am — sun’s up, brightening our east-side living room in east Ogden, a favorite city!  I failed to get WiFi password from landlord after move-in yesterday, so iPhone is doing the best we can.  Still sleeping peacefully; the watermelon and toasted tortilla she ate at 4:00 AM helped.  ( I like early breakfast, too.)
Getting into this charming home was a miracle!  Our children who helped find and furnish it are real angels!!!  Everyone who fasted, prayed, and searched for homes ... all were recognized by God for those efforts, and we have been blessed accordingly.
We sincerely thank you!
Dinner delivered yesterday by dear siblings was heavenly, and their loving presence brought sweet tears.  Daughter Katie, in charge Tuesday, truly went the extra miles, as did son Spencer, setting up house and helping their mom move in and rest comfortably.  Thanks again!!

Tuesday 9/4/2018, running late at 8am-Mtn, having emailed our grandson serving a mission in MBM.
Good news!  Yesterday we finally found and secured our charming, furnished, permanent home in Ogden, only 6 miles southeast of Katie's Farr West gathering place (to remain our mailing address until further notice).
We are moving in today -- so exciting.
With love and appreciation for all of you dear Family and Friends!!

Labor Day 6:30am-Mtn  I hope you all enjoy this holiday with family and friends ... at least a break from the daily routine.
Our Sabbath yesterday was non-traditional, as we were not up to attending Church.  The needed sleep until noon, thanks to everyone's fasting and prayers, was a tender mercy!  I read the sacrament prayers to her, among other things, to lift our spirits.  Messages and gifts from dear ones helped a lot – thank you!  Generally felt better all afternoon and evening ... definitely a blessed day!
We had expected a first visit from the CNS nurse Saturday afternoon, then yesterday morning, but finally we were blessed with a one-hour interview at 4:30.  She was professional, kind, and thorough.  After all the talk, including my many questions and input, the patient was worn out.  I am positively impressed with their home-healthcare program, and highly recommend CNS.  (Med's were promptly ordered by the nurse and delivered by CNS Pharmacy shortly thereafter.  So smooth.)
Our helpful, Arizona-pharmacist son spent time here after that, facing the Scrabble Queen who knows words like few others; (I forgot who won, but it was a blessed distraction for her).  Afterwards his family, accompanied by three of our other children, came from a visit to Temple Square SLC, and tearfully said goodbyes before their return trip today.  Tears of love for Grandma!

Sunday 6am-Mtn  It was absolutely amazing – a tender mercy at 5pm yesterday, to have our family gathered at a park nearby!  We were blessed to have a special guest, young Helena here for college, who lovingly represented our Michigan family and did my photography for me.  All the children wanted to see Grandma, of course; in the strength of the Lord, she was there for them and our children – smiling, hugging, loving, and asking how they are doing.  We missed our missionary grandson Caleb, who is serving in Maryland, and son-in-law Chris, working in Georgia; we pray for them as well.  A loving visit from dear Amy, bearing gifts from mother Jeanne, herself, and her neighbor!  Perfect weather, beauties of nature, a new playground, generosity of Barbara's professional photographer friend, and knowledge that families are forever.  Concluding another difficult day, it was the picture-perfect ending.
Sleeping peacefully again now, out in the living room to write something while feeling pain and fatigue.  Always writers, it will be interesting to see how we will do that on the other side ... with so much more to write about!

We know that our Redeemer lives!!  He is our Savior, and today is His special Sabbath day to honor.
The power of prayer is being manifest to us – thank you ... we love you, dear Family and Friends!

9/1/6am-Mtn  Welcome, September and end of a rough week!  Yes, still sleeping peacefully.
Yesterday 4pm we were blessed to have a short-notice appointment with her busy, compassionate HH team.  Based on her 8/30 operation, her chief dr. (with a wonderful team of staff present) kindly gave the final assessment.  She quickly concurred and made the decision for no treatment that would just make her more tired and sick.  We were so grateful to have our youngest there with us to help her mom.
~7pm  My nephew and his loving, creative wife brought a package of fun, comforting gifts.  As they were leaving, I showed them the "secret garden", where we have enjoyed peaceful retreat.
~8:40pm  Her oldest brother visited on his way home from the Salt Lake temple, and had a wonderful chat.  (He was recently called as a stake patriarch in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.)

8/31/2:34pm (24 hours since "resting" at home)  Preparing to see her HH doctor this afternoon (and he needs to see her) to get answers based on yesterday's operation.

8/31/4am-Mtn addition: Where has this month almost gone?  (A rhetorical question ... "to make a statement rather than to elicit information.")
Peaceful sleep so far – a tender mercy.
Yesterday, after arriving "home" from the hospital (with no stent, as it was impossible), the typical pain and misery of recovery made her cry, begging for comfort ... to feel the love and power of everyone's prayers.  (She was distraught since the U hospital pharmacist called too soon for her Cannon Rx pick-up; in a wheelchair, she forgot I was running to get the car.  Tearfully, "Where were you?!")   You know she's a strong one; before retiring to bed at 8pm, she settled down with a tiny dinner and a favorite brain-tingling distraction on the big screen:
"Jeopardy!" is a classic game show -- with a twist. The answers are given first, and the contestants supply the questions.

What questions would you supply about life, death, and the hereafter?
Grateful to know the truth about Heavenly Father's plan of happiness.

These updates will be fluid – sort of like Facebook, which usually shows the most recent addition, above older news below.  All in one post for awhile.
(Forgive me for adding old non-related photos, usually to randomly share family history.  It's a habit since 2010.)

Google defines (synonym) free-flowing: "moving in a continuous, steady stream."

And defines stent: "a tubular support placed temporarily inside a blood vessel, canal, or DUCT to aid healing or relieve an obstruction."
[Thursday 8/30: She is to get one this morning at HH (best in the West!) That would spell relief!]

Instructions: No fast food the day before, and no drink after midnight.
Okay for her, and I'm fine with fasting.

9:30am Arrived on time at U Hospital check-in; (surprise – not HH.)
Good job with lots of Q & A ... caring nurses & doctors.
11am Pre-op added 3rd pre-heated blanket; comfort!
11:11 She went in, thanks to very capable staff.
12:22 Moving to recovery now.
Tender mercies from the Lord.

12:44 More news later; (too soon to tell it all).
2:11 Arrived "home" OK (safely, having survived the ordeal) – a short drive in her little red Buick.
2:34 Resting now, relieved to be out of the hospital.

Thanks, everyone, for your faith and prayers!
With love ...

my adventurous bride - Bryce Canyon National Park 
Sunrise Point trailhead 25 June 2010

grandchildren walking up irrigation ditch at the ranch

Kay and a few siblings (older brother & sister with hats in the lead)
walking like their pioneer ancestors did at Cove Fort, Utah 24 June 2010
(Ned taking photo, trying to keep up with her family, as usual)

a couple previously seen in the Layton 2nd Ward directory

Kay took this happy-family photo on a trip
(Who is that cute boy, reverently bowing his head?)
recalling a favorite children's song, "I Feel My Savior's Love"

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Seeing Miracles

My sweetheart Kay and I believe in miracles.  We see miracles every day.

For example, this morning as I followed up and called, a hospital staff member finally scheduled Kay for an urgent medical procedure.  She said, "The soonest possible is September 7th, Friday of next week, because it is only done on Mondays and Fridays, and next Monday is Labor Day holiday."  Late this afternoon, the scheduler called back with good news: "Can Kay come in this Thursday at 9:30 AM?"  Kay and I knew it was another miracle.

We know Heavenly Father loves His children, and we're so grateful for His tender mercies.

Grandma, happy to be retired from school teaching

Sister Cannon visiting the sick in Michigan
with love

Sunday, August 26, 2018

August Rush Again

Yes, I'm up in the night ... a pause for reflection ... recalling my 8/31/2011 post:

August Rush

The end of summer doesn’t come soon enough for me.  As another month ends,
I recall the rush of yard work, fighting mosquitoes and brutal heat, stock market volatility, short secondary vacations, and preparation for a new school year. Borrowing the title of a 2007 drama film that entertained me despite
 Robin Williams’ disturbing character, the words “August Rush” characterize the month in my mind. 

Some think there’s a lot to get done before September, as if things can’t wait for a pause to enjoy the simple life.  As profoundly stated by young Mr. Bueller on his day off, “Life moves pretty fast --if you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”  (1986 film 
Welcome, September!
summer 2016 photo courtesy of friend Russ Bettridge, 
Michigan outdoor photographer

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Twelve Months of Miracles (Ch. 1)

On 14 August 2017, Sister Kay Cannon and I arrived safely on time at the Provo MTC (Missionary Training Center) in our little car packed to the limit! Our assignment: MLS (member and leader support) in the Michigan Detroit Mission. I count that as two miracles!!

We stayed an extra week to learn office skills for two months of temporary work at mission headquarters. We gained some technical expertise that we can put to further use in assignments after our mission. (We have seen how the Lord uses technology to build His kingdom.)

The road trip to Michigan was rejuvenating. We were able to set our own pace, including some time on a Lake Michigan beach near St. Joseph MI, where we met a couple of Michiganders planning to visit Utah the next week. (We told them where to go and what to see.) Next, our visit to Battle Creek was restful and inspiring. The trip ended during evening rush hour in pouring rain on crowded freeways — our introduction to Motor City and its aggressive drivers. Arrived at a bakery and our apartment without accident. So many miracles ... all along the way!

Our Kensington Manor apartment in Farmington MI was well furnished and quiet.  We had good neighbors, including a sweet young woman who let the young missionaries teach her at our home, and who invited us to her family Thanksgiving dinner. Dunkin’ Donuts (our “second office”) nearby provided WiFi and treats until we got our own Internet. The senior missionaries who trained us in the mission office were so kind and patient! Two months later, a senior couple arrived from Wyoming and accepted the permanent assignment to manage finance and housing. What a relief! We were blessed!!

(To be continued in sweet Roseville, Michigan.)

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Primary Recall

This remembrance relating to Primary was posted February 12, 2012:

To share a little personal history: I remember Mother playing the organ for our weekday (3:30 Wed.?) Primary meeting in the historic Twentieth Ward chapel.
I was probably around six to eight years old, feeling proud that my mother had such talent and prominence in the Church.   Besides the music, my only other memory of that Primary is sitting in an upstairs classroom, hearing stories of prophets and Jesus.
My favorite songs were "Tell Me the Stories of Jesus" and "I think When I Read That Sweet Story" (about Jesus and the children); I still love them.  On that subject, Kay loves her calling as Primary song leader, but her favorite job was Primary president in East Mill Creek when our children were young.

“The Primary ... is a children's organization and an official auxiliary within The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.”  — Wikipedia
Primary started August 25, 1878, in Farmington Utah.  —

One of my favorite jobs in the Church was nursery assistant when our youngest daughter was in it; (not just because we got treats --cheese and crackers, cookies, etc.)  There were unforgettable spiritual rewards from nurturing and teaching the littlest ones about our Savior.

(Back to the present, this morning August 8th, Sister Kay Cannon played the piano for our missionary district meeting in Roseville Ward.  Her choice, a favorite Primary children's song: “I Hope They Call Me on a Mission”.  The young elders and sisters seemed to love it!)