Sunday, August 26, 2018

August Rush Again

Yes, I'm up in the night ... a pause for reflection ... recalling my 8/31/2011 post:

August Rush

The end of summer doesn’t come soon enough for me.  As another month ends,
I recall the rush of yard work, fighting mosquitoes and brutal heat, stock market volatility, short secondary vacations, and preparation for a new school year. Borrowing the title of a 2007 drama film that entertained me despite
 Robin Williams’ disturbing character, the words “August Rush” characterize the month in my mind. 

Some think there’s a lot to get done before September, as if things can’t wait for a pause to enjoy the simple life.  As profoundly stated by young Mr. Bueller on his day off, “Life moves pretty fast --if you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”  (1986 film 
Welcome, September!
summer 2016 photo courtesy of friend Russ Bettridge, 
Michigan outdoor photographer