Since spring of 2017, my sweetheart Kay and I have experienced a lot of change. During the last few months, I have thought of the familiar phrase/title, "constancy amid change". (As a better mix of words than my title, it yields good results on the Internet; and it really should be a serious search.)
These are a few of my favorite truths that provide the constancy I cherish:
We are all spirit children of a loving Heavenly Father, who knows us and cares for us. He provided the great plan of happiness and a Savior for us all.
"As the Only Begotten Son of God in the flesh, Jesus Christ was able to perform the Atoning sacrifice, which required Him to endure more than a mortal person could, and thereby fulfill His role in the Father’s plan. In addition, because Jesus had power over death, He had the capacity to rise from the dead." –
I also know this to be true, and it helps me through times of change:
"Faith is a foundation building block of creation. I am confident that the Savior Jesus Christ uses faith in His capacity to act under the direction of Father in Heaven. ... Faith in the future is demonstrated by a couple sealed in the temple. They understand that by obedience to the teachings of Jesus Christ and the plan of happiness of our Father in Heaven, they can have a joyous life together. They recognize that when the challenges intended to be growth opportunities come, they will find ways, as prompted by the Holy Ghost, to overcome them in ways that are productive and character building."
The Transforming Power of Faith and Character
Richard G. Scott
Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
With eternal love for Kay, our family, and friends, I share these few thoughts for all who may read.
There truly is constancy amid change.