We got over Cyber Monday --what a rush! -- [folks] shopped without going out in the cold or out on a limb (my credit cards were hidden away, fortunately.) The offerings were incredibly generous; and I’m glad sales soared 19.4% over last year, to boost our economy.
This morning my second thought was of holiday homonyms. Last week Kay and I happened to land on an educational TV channel conducting an English class all about homonyms. Imagine the thrill of finding something worth watching, for a change!
homonym [noun]
"two words are homonyms if they are pronounced or spelled the same way but have different meanings" – www.whitesmoke.com
Before I let you go find some better ones on your own, here are a few examples my MS spellchecker failed to catch, plus one that’s spelled correctly in context:
Christmas is hear! Bee of good cheer!
Their must have been some magic ...
... and a partridge in a pare tree.
Christmas present is here to stay.
May yore daze be merry and bright, ...
... with every Christmas card I right.
Wishing you happy holidays! Have fun with family and friends!