A special day of remembrance ... this Sabbath day, I cherish my knowledge of and love for our Savior, Jesus Christ, and His mother, Mary. On this Mother’s Day, I recall sweet images of two great-grandmothers I knew as a little boy, and sweet memories of two grandmothers I look up to as examples of true saints for their posterity. My mother and Kay’s mother continue to influence me for good ... more than I can ever describe in words — I love them so!
Dear to my heart are loving memories of my forever sweetheart Kay, mother of our five children. She continues to influence us all with her special kind of love and devoted service to those around her. Throughout many hours of collecting and sharing her history, I have experienced endless gratitude ... with tears of love.
Our five children and their spouses continue to show love for Kay. Our 23 grandchildren all adore their Grandma Kay, who passed away last October. I pray for them to be inspired and comforted in the knowledge that she loves them and is keenly interested in their activities. Grandma Kay will always hold a special place in their heart. We miss her smiles and hugs, singing and piano playing, games and good cooking, planning for trips and get-togethers, teaching and testimony sharing. It goes on forever ... with love.