Thursday, August 8, 2019

My TV: Effectively Nil

What am I missing, what am I thinking/doing, and how am I surviving without TV?  That is the three-part question.

Oxford defined effectively: (adverb) in such a manner as to achieve a desired result.
(synonyms:) ... essentially, in essence, in practical terms, for all practical purposes, to all intents and purposes

And Oxford defined nil: (noun) zero, especially as a score in certain games.
[example: “music beat TV 89-nil"]
(adjective) nonexistent.
"his chances for survival were slim, almost nil"
[My chances are robust without TV.]

In passing, I catch a little bad news, reality remodeling, and modern home-showing on television in the lobby, BK, and gym — enough to remind me it’s a blessing to be free of TV in my home.  However, I treasure memories of clean TV that entertained and educated me in my youth, and that did it for our children when they were growing up ... in “the good old days”.

Oh, and I add in random order: ... family, music, walking, reading, writing, riding trains, neighbors, temple, new FamilySearch Center, editing, OC photography, ice cream, and window shopping to see what’s out there.

Borrowing some words from “Healthy Tipping Point — When Everyday Decisions Add Up to Something Amazing — a blog by caitlin boyle”,  I see benefits from my TV diet since ten months ago: more imagination, less mental clutter, greater productivity, less stress, and plenty of peaceful sleep.
Reminding me that life is good.