Friday, August 28, 2020

Leftovers for Ned

So much generosity from neighbors, friends, and family!  I seldom mention food here, but it has become so compelling, despite my lessened interest in partaking.  Thankfully, my personal history does include food, particularly my liking leftovers.  My sweetheart Kay, best cook of all, knows it.  (Memories of morsels melting in my mouth!)

For example: every Monday night, neighbors gather for “family home evening” in our apartments’ social room, followed by a potluck “linger longer” (translates to lots of snacks and some healthier food).  Also, generous single adults who like to cook for two or more, ask me for help with delicious, nutritious leftovers (and extra food purchased especially for me).  Yes, I likewise share, but not so much.

Somehow I gained a reputation, resulting in a full fridge and little need to shop.  What can I say.  I’m lovin’ it — thank you, everyone!