Saturday, October 31, 2020

Neighbors Night

Halloween with our five little children was “Trick-or-Treat” time for them and “Meet Your Neighbors Night” for me.  My wife Kay’s delightful role was gypsy (“a nomadic or free-spirited person”), giving out candy and telling fun fortunes — legendary!

East Mill Creek, SLC Utah, was the ideal, peaceful neighborhood where our kids thrived and grew up.  A friendly family our age always invited us over to share their Halloween dinner tradition.  Once a year I had a perfect excuse to meet new neighbors and talk to old ones I hadn’t seen in twelve months.  While our kids in costumes received sweet offerings (including homemade root beer from a witch on her porch), I was like Mister Rogers saying, “Won’t you be my neighbor.”  Ned was lovin’ it — not to mention treats the children shared with Dad afterward.  A highlight for the kids one year was their all-out “spook alley” on a vacant lot.

This year is different for most folks.  However, I see plenty of creative ways young families are starting new traditions to be recalled by grandparents forty years from now ... with love.