In the process of scanning papers with iPhone all week, I did a lot of turning (flipping) through pages and tossing into trash and my recycling bin. I set aside some of Kay’s childhood treasures for her historian sister to archive, and a few for our kids to show their children before they discard the papers, etc.
In another process of trying to get comfortable in bed last night, I turned and tossed to sleep. It reminded me that life this year is encouraging frequent change ... hopefully not forcing it. Changing a common phrase to “turn and toss” is an inconsequential example I use.
Think of something that changed this month. Does it leave you turning and tossing for the better? I pray it will be so for family, nation, and our world. And I gratefully hold onto truth and gospel principles that never change. Recall my sweetheart’s love of lighthouses that guide to safe harbor.