Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Any shortages?

Yesterday an Ogden friend, now in Japan, asked me if the news about US shortages is true in Utah stores.  I replied, “We’re fine.”  (Another Ogden friend who shops a lot agreed.)  Many in other places are not so fortunate.

My wife Kay & I experienced the gas shortage and our family-income shortage in early 70s, lack of low-interest mortgages in the 80s, and inadequate storage space.  After our 2017-2018 mission, a nice neighbor helped me through the TP shortage in 2020.  Last month, Dollar Tree was out of broom handles; (brooms and handles now sell separately, so I bought a broom and used a mop handle I’d saved for reaching high things since ~2010, which validated my habit of keeping things that “may be useful someday”).

I trust that we will overcome any shortages (to name a few) of hope, faith, confidence, love of God and neighbors, religious freedom, compassion, respect for parents and presidents, gratitude for imperfect circumstances, siestas, stargazing undimmed by city lights, quiet times without contention or traffic noise, and sensitivity to the Spirit.  You may wish your own list. 

Saturday, January 8, 2022

Social Stream

In the middle of a cold winter, why did I recall memories of summer?  It started with a random phrase coming to mind: social stream — no idea why.  (No connection to “software that allows you to curate a unique feed with different social profiles into a single network stream.”  — )

River experiences: tubing down the river at Aunt Myrene’s cabin, rafting on ranch canals, the historic Yampa River trip Kay & I took with Ensign 3rd Ward youth, watching our sons fish the Weber River, NHS faculty summer parties with Mrs. Cannon in Riverdale, “river walk” with a friend from church in Bountiful, biking Ogden River Parkway Trail many times with a friend from Alabama, and walking the river trail at Ogden Botanical Gardens with one of our five young families.

What comes to your mind in the winter time?

Saturday, January 1, 2022

An even, better year

At the end of that odd year 2021, I was blessed to restart life in Ogden — this time near Weber State University.  So far, this even year 2022 is better!

Happy New Year!

Tuesday 1/4

Health Goals for 2022

Eat at least one meal per day, and snack more.

Deep breathe while refilling water bottles.

Ice skate and mountain bike for exercise. 

Don’t worry. Be happy.