Saturday, February 5, 2022

Tracks on the other side

A few of my tremendous track memories:

Summer nights in bed on Second Avenue, hearing trains on the other side of town.

Riding with my grandfather to watch trains on multiple tracks by 400 West Street, SLC.

Watching my new model train come around the side of our 8-foot Christmas tree.

Feeling our townhouse shake as freight trains rolled on the other side of our Clearfield fence.  (My wife Kay was not so thrilled.)

High above old Mountain Green, hearing trains on the other side of Morgan Valley.

Biking along train tracks to the station near my end of Ogden River Parkway. 

Deciding which side of FrontRunner platforms would get me on the right train.  I stood by the track on the other side only once — brain fog.

Winter nights in downtown Ogden, waking up to hear trains on the other side of Wall Avenue.  I opened my studio window for more volume and a breath of fresh air. 

Just one way I keep track of my life by writing memories.  Someday I will remember them all with my sweetheart Kay by my side.