It must be fun and not a passing fad. People have been creating, selling, buying, and solving jigsaw puzzles since around 1760, according to Wikipedia. I was surprised to learn that a jigsaw was never used — a fact that puzzled me.
It seems many young people have fun solving them. Good for the brain at most any age, I believe. Senior independent living fosters mental activity. Here and in my community last year, some women have a passion for puzzling, spending maybe 20 hours every week doing jigsaw puzzles in social rooms. (A man in Bountiful was interested, but none here in Ogden that I’m aware of.) One day last year, I walked to the social fridge, and the puzzle lady said without looking up, “Ned, you’re too quiet.” “Trying not to distract you,” said I.
So, it’s puzzling — why am I missing the fun of sitting quietly for hours assembling 500 pieces ... instead of watching it done in 150-second time-lapse videos? What would take me three weeks, I see (noted at the end) enthusiasts complete in three hours or less. Reminder for seniors: never too late to start.