Thursday, September 29, 2022

Brain-foggy (my adjective)

Some things escape me, like a password I never use, favorite movie DVDs, music CDs, and family photos from 50 years ago.  My everyday effort to minimize brain fog would be a losing battle without iPhone Notes, Calendar, Google Maps, and Internet search results.

Nevertheless, I may run downstairs to my car without the key, then run back up to get it and other things I forgot.  Blame it on brain fog, “a symptom of another medical condition ... [involving] memory problems.” (Healthline)

Fortunately I keep meaningful treasures and bright recollections of my sweetheart Kay, who is not far away, and knowledge gained from the Spirit, the Comforter.  Never brain-foggy when thinking of her, the love we share, and what we both know to be true.  Two years ago, an older friend advised me to never look back, but always look forward.  However, I am forever grateful for precious memories that move me ... with love.

Thursday, September 22, 2022

No Notifications

How is it possible!  At 4:44 AM my watch surprised me with “No Notifications”.  I’m always being notified — UTA bus/train alerts, credit-union account messages (obvious scams), surveys, Apple health challenges and unknown goals reached, etc.  So, is life getting better?  (Another rhetorical question.)

Frequent “Telemarketing” and “Scam likely” calls received, smartly identified as such, are simply declined anytime.  And I don’t need an “opportunity to make $5,000 per month” in my spare time. 

At 5:50 AM it’s “Time to stand ...”  That’s more like it!  At my age, I need all such notification help I can get.

Friday, September 16, 2022

Engaged Life

So it is.  The corporate owner of our independent-living community is committed to keeping us residents engaged with life — mentally, physically, and socially.  We are served daily schedules of activities facilitated by our Engage Life Coordinator (aka Activities Director) who also takes suggestions from us.  Management gets us engaged to be smarter and stronger and to help each other be happy.  (A lunch break gives me time to write this.)

As some readers have observed, my blog is really random; so I can get more personal by recalling my engagement to the beautiful (in every way) Kay Hinckley, now my special angel and my wife since 51 years ago.  Our engaged life for seven weeks was one of joyful preparation and avoiding “cold feet”.  My memory fails in some ways, but I will never forget or lose that feeling of true love for my sweetheart.