Some things escape me, like a password I never use, favorite movie DVDs, music CDs, and family photos from 50 years ago. My everyday effort to minimize brain fog would be a losing battle without iPhone Notes, Calendar, Google Maps, and Internet search results.
Nevertheless, I may run downstairs to my car without the key, then run back up to get it and other things I forgot. Blame it on brain fog, “a symptom of another medical condition ... [involving] memory problems.” (Healthline)
Fortunately I keep meaningful treasures and bright recollections of my sweetheart Kay, who is not far away, and knowledge gained from the Spirit, the Comforter. Never brain-foggy when thinking of her, the love we share, and what we both know to be true. Two years ago, an older friend advised me to never look back, but always look forward. However, I am forever grateful for precious memories that move me ... with love.