It is a sizzling summer with fun in the sun! At the end of July in Utah, we look forward to cool temperatures in September — wait ... in October. Memories of cool July trips with Kay to Lake Tahoe, Hawaii, Alaska, the bay in Michigan, and (with her away this Fourth) the Ranch ... help me endure 100-degree days at home. Quick, kick-scooter trips to the cool store and leisurely walks around duck ponds next door are my style of travel now. Picking up a book indoors is my preferred work. What’s yours?
I cherish my memory of reading as a young boy on our front lawn in July. Building my three-story hut in our 2nd-Avenue back yard kept me out of some mischief. (Wish I had kept a journal in July during teenage years on Northcrest Drive.) Summer quarters at the U were cool, thanks to study by the pool and water skiing after school. Mid-summer breaks at the Ranch with my young wife and kids are memories this month as well.
So, goodbye, sunny July, a long month of fun!