Thursday, November 14, 2024

Time running out

It’s about time!  Since 2010, I like to write at least once a month, as a random, “baby-steps” form of personal history.

How time flies … and sometimes crawls, like during a meeting.  Hours for reading and playing piano, as I did for two years in “assisted living” — a luxury on hold since I moved downtown.  Time for family as a high priority?  For all my adult life, I have believed the holiday season (4th quarter) is prime time for “reaching out”, as many say.  Annual newsletters summarizing the time of your life — a priceless tradition in my wife’s Hinckley Family.  Kay & I have been married 53 years so far, yet unforgettable times we recorded are recalled like yesterday.  In 1975, she led singing on the charter bus to Disneyland.

I remember the remarkable program of home teaching, when time was running out at the end of the month, urging 11th-hour visits before it was time to report, while I was suggesting some needed a visit every three or five weeks.  Now it’s a continuum, as I see it, according to needs as prompted by the Spirit.  A timely adjustment for these last days.

Another disjointed post, as one reader described my blog.  Some others like freestyle writing.  My time is short, I feel.  How blessed we are, knowing life goes on without end!

(To be continued … before it runs out.)