Regardless of shopping and mailing not done, last evening I needed quiet time (non-chaotic) away from bustle and hustle of Christmas preparation. Unlikely choice for most folks, so perfect for me: the main public library I happened to be near. It was quiet, with workers being the majority. After serendipitously finding a book of historical stories, I saw a sign: “Fiesta de Cuentos (Story Fiesta) 6:00”. Checked the time — it was 5:58. Why not. I went and enjoyed children’s storytelling about musical instruments with a darling young family. Being in my second childhood made me happy.
Later at home alone (not really), I found a treasure book of Christmas stories, poems, and recipes to give a young couple in our congregation. It was an unplanned purchase last winter at my favorite used-book store. A quick review of all the contributors discovered some familiar, local names and a few famous authors. An example of storytelling serendipity: “The Story of The Other Wise Man” by Henry van Dyke. Reading it, I vaguely recalled this tale about a fourth pilgrim, who “did not arrive with his brethren in the presence of the young child Jesus.” He spent his whole, short life in his wandering quest for the King, giving away his precious gifts to the poor in need along the way. Thus, he did not fail … rather “in a strange way, he found the One whom he sought.”
Enjoy storytelling time this Christmas Eve. As Tiny Tim says, "God bless us, everyone!"