A bit of TP disables any annoying key on laptop computer. Working well for me on CapsLock & F1 since that stroke of genius (“brilliant and original idea”) last summer.
Repurpose a broken-off, straight snow shovel handle or mop stick to push a low load on a four-wheel mover’s dolly. (Recalling the heavy snow at Ogden church on Friday the 13th last month. Plastic joint broke — designed for disposal after one winter.)
Warm your home in winter by opening blinds for free sunshine. Close blinds at night for warmth and privacy. (Goes without saying.)
Unplug and cover a TV with an old sheet or beach towel to avoid bad news and dust. Use a VCR or DVD player to watch without annoying ads.
Many more on my mind, as you may imagine. Share your low-tech strokes of genius, and simplify, simplify this year.