What’s up: Family history research (generally known as genealogy)
New program I started last Friday: AllMyCousins.com
Their slogan: “Making Genealogy Easy” (if you have a lot of patience)
Secret to subscribing, as revealed by Bob, the expert at ORFHC in Ogden: Start downloading (importing) relatives, click “More” until it finally pops the subscription offer @$20/year; then pay with PayPal (if you know what’s “good for you”.) I paid differently, the hard way, but got it done.
Getting serious about this, I logged in tonight and clicked “More” to go beyond the 852 people I got for free on Friday. I soon saw the good news and the bad news: “Tree parameters successfully updated. It may take some time to complete.” (A half hour later:) You’re telling me! Thanks for the warning! (It’s still downloading/processing; who would give up now?) I have a vague memory that my friend Hayle (86) who introduced me to this, his favorite FH program, told me, “it takes a long time, so be prepared.” Well, I’m prepared alright –with lots of books to read, including To The Rescue by Heidi Swinton, which I borrowed from the county library, and I’m enjoying now as I write and wait. (After another 20 minutes:) I think I'm due for a nap; (can this thing run all night?) You gotta love it!