Opening one of several copies of our Cannon history book this morning, I made two discoveries: (by pure luck of the draw?) it happens to be my personal copy given to me by my Cannon grandparents, with a full-page note written by them to me in 1968; and inside the cover was the pre-publication advertising flyer with Mother’s editing marks penciled on it (always trying to improve, even after publication). The Cannon Family Historical Treasury, copyright 1967 by George Cannon Family Association, was a work of love by a number of dedicated writers and editors, including my mother. It is truly a treasure, worth far more than the deluxe hardcover pre-edition cost of $3.75 per copy; (the price soared to $4.95 after publication.)
The folded, legal-size flyer has the usual section with comments by prominent people (“What they’re saying about the book”), including this one by Winnifred Cannon Jardine, Deseret News Food Editor (need I say why it caught my eye?):
“This 400-page, beautifully-illustrated book has all the ingredients for a tasty literary dish – romance, intrigue, conflict, and humor, plus high inspiration. It should be a bestseller.”
It was!