Sunday, March 25, 2012

The 1940 Census

Having heard it's coming soon, I checked for news about the 1940 Census.  (I'm excited about family history!)

"The 1940 Census is coming April 2, 2012. 
The 72-year wait is over.  On April 1, 1940, there were 132,164,569 people living in America. And today, 87 percent of Americans can find a direct family link to one – or more – of them.
When the 1940 U.S. Federal Census is opened to the public this April, you’ll have a window into every one of those 132 million lives. Their names, where they lived, who shared their house, even where they were five years earlier.  And that’s just for starters.
Where do you think your family was living on census day, April 1, 1940?"