Friday, March 9, 2012

Kindle: Please See Ads!

For two weeks now, my ad-friendly Amazon Kindle e-reader has been prompting me while turned off (Kindle, not I):  "Please connect wirelessly to download the latest Special Offers."
So I have at least two choices here: 1. Drive for miles with Kindle to the library or McDonald's in town for Wi-Fi, since I don't frequent Starbucks 
( I can make my own hot chocolate here --cheaper).  2. Go to my basement, disconnect my cable Internet, connect it to my wireless router, turn it on, and wait for the router to establish communication with the worldwide whatever.  Valuable, attractive offers then download to Kindle in about two seconds --amazing.  What would you do if you could not wait any longer for advertising?
I actually like the ads, and jokingly tell people I would've paid extra to get the Kindle version that offers advertising.  Luckily I got it for a lower price than our friends who paid more for the ad-free Kindle.  What about color?  No, it’s not the model that’s on fire in the marketplace, but I love my black-and-white e-ink display for reading, and see no reason for me to pay more for color.  In fact, Kay and I love classic B&W movies, and recently enjoyed "The Artist" as well; (who would've imagined a B&W silent film could win Academy Awards in the 21st century?)
Going back to hot chocolate: If I’m lucky, Kindle will offer half-price on Starbucks’ Double …  [2/27/12 review:] "Your Hot Chocolate (Double Chocolate) is like getting a big warm hug on a cold morning!"  [I'd love both!]  [1/20/12 review:] "Perfect for setting by the fire and watching it snow outside."  [He/she probably meant "sitting", as opposed to placing the drink by the fire.]  --
Now my morning chocolate break is over, and I haven’t even drunk any.
our daughter's car buried in NE Pennsylvania