I go again, writing a day late – a sign of aging? Earth Day yesterday was actually a busy day,
including "The Music Man" at Hopebox Theatre in Kaysville, in which our grandson played
a key role as Tommy. And lightening our
load for the move. Today is a day of
rest with time for family history, including recollections of our involvement in
Earth Day Utah during the 1980's. We had kept some materials filed – that is an understatement. Kay
& I still recall and practice "the three R's": recycle (including
paper in file cabinets), reduce (especially when moving), and reuse (better
than buying new boxes, for example).
Hopefully our children have positive recollections of family efforts as
they were growing up in East Mill Creek.
Taking steps to care for the Earth makes sense, as we respect God’s creation; (the fourth and most important R). We are grateful.