Burdened with details of preparing for major
changes in our life – sale of our home, Kay’s retirement from teaching English,
and a mission for the Church – we are so ready to pause and ponder what should
be everyday remembrance:
the Atonement and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. I am grateful for our Savior’s sacrifice and eternal love for all children of our Heavenly Father.
the Atonement and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. I am grateful for our Savior’s sacrifice and eternal love for all children of our Heavenly Father.
Google, logically having no hint of Easter on its home page, suggested three searches that are most common, I suppose: easter 2017, easter
egg hunt 2017, and easter bunny tracker.
story: "Pope Francis on Easter: Cling to faith amid wars and hatred.
Francis on Sunday encouraged people to hold fast in their 'fearful
hearts' to faith despite all the wars, sickness and hatred in the world,
acknowledging on Easter Sunday that many wonder where God is amid so much evil
and suffering.
of thousands of faithful braved heavy security checks — and, later, a brief
downpour from what had been sunny skies — to enter St. Peter's Square where
Francis celebrated Mass on the steps leading to St. Peter's Basilica.
giving an off-the-cuff homily during Mass to try to answer what he described as
a nagging question for many faithful: why are there so many tragedies and wars
in the world if Jesus has risen from the dead, a belief Christians celebrate
each Easter." –
make sure I spelled Resurrection right, a search on lds.org found this:
the Resurrection of Jesus Christ is just as central to the message proclaimed
to the world by His Church as it was then. As the Prophet Joseph Smith said: ‘The
fundamental principles of our religion are the testimony of the Apostles and
Prophets, concerning Jesus Christ, that He died, was buried, and rose again the
third day, and ascended into heaven; and all other things which pertain to our
religion are only appendages to it.’ The Resurrection helps answer fundamental
questions about the nature of God, our nature and our relationship to God, the
purpose of this life, and the hope we have in Jesus Christ.”
– lds.org/liahona/2017/04
– lds.org/liahona/2017/04
Yesterday Kay and I were privileged to attend a stake conference meeting with Elder Edward Dube,
who was “sustained as a General Authority Seventy of The Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints on April 6, 2013.” –
Dube (pronounced Doo-bay) was born in Zimbabwe and completed his education at the University of South Africa. Typical of Christians in Africa,
he shares a special enthusiasm and love for the Savior, engaging all who listen. His seemingly informal discussions centered
on Jesus Christ, strengthening families, and related topics. He showed the video message, "The Prince of
Peace: Find Lasting Peace through Jesus Christ" (seen on mormon.org)
In a peaceful neighborhood setting, Elder
Dube frequently encouraged our participation by asking, “Any impressions?” He must have a strong belief in seeking personal
revelation and promptings of the Holy Ghost.
Such impressions enhance and add to words we hear from speakers and study
in scripture.
What are your
impressions about Easter? I will write
more journal notes as they come to me, line upon line.