Sunday, September 30, 2018

Good Sabbath

This month of rest for my wife Kay, now ends with a special time of rest – the Sabbath day.  For some engaged in service, it involves a lot of work.  Bishops, gospel teachers, medical providers, hospitality workers, and others with Sunday responsibilities, are blessed as they honor the Lord's day and serve in the right way.  The Savior showed us the way during His mortal life.

For our family, September is a month to remember  – the joy in times of progress, and victories in times of trouble.  So fitting that it ends on the Sabbath day.  (Incomplete sentence, as my English teacher Kay would point out, and wanting this added thought:) We are grateful today for God's tender mercies, and for everyone's love shown in many ways.  Faith and prayers have worked in our behalf.  May you be blessed as well, this glorious Sabbath day.

beloved friend in Ogden Utah, 25 October 2014
a beautiful day in our former neighborhood

Kay serving in the nursery, west Layton
– a favorite Sunday activity as a couple
in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

sign of the future ... where sisters visited

Helen & Kay, like ministering sisters
loving a dear friend, 14 August 2010