[Let me add this Saturday note: 7:27am :
Thankfully, my sweetheart is sleeping peacefully (a recurring theme these days) and thus finding comfort despite illness. Our dear friend, former Ogden neighbor Norma, came bearing gifts yesterday — so thoughtful and loving. Our son Quinn flew in to lend his expertise and tender care for the weekend — the same words describe him. Kay’s CNS aide and her nurse visited, so caring and kind. A needed chair and supplies were later delivered — so timely. (Can’t say enough good about CNS Ogden service!) Thank goodness Huntsman Hospital connected Kay with them.]
{Sat. 8:55pm This day was peaceful. My sister Ann came to offer her expertise as a retired nurse, and we had a happy time reminiscing and sharing. I wish my memory and habits were as good. She has always been a great example to me — how can I say it better? It’s simply true.
Our daughter Katie helped me share a few thousand photos with her external drive. (Our children are so tech-savvy. And I should not go on hoarding family photos without effectively passing them on.)
Quiet neighborhood, quiet night ... except for crickets — imagine that. Kay went back to sleep. And we are blessed!}
So far, this Friday morning, we are getting through another night of peaceful sleep, etc.
The "etc." part concerned me in the middle of the night. After walking on the way back from the bathroom (with my guidance to keep her on course), Kay got on her knees at the bed, in perfect form for prayer. Weakness, not a need to communicate, caused the collapse. Tears from disappointment, not from feeling the Spirit, revealed her mood. I said the prayer that time, just for help to get her into bed. After lifting her onto a chair, I told her to relax. After sliding her to the bedside, I helped her into bed.
The med routine went perfectly, as Kay was calm and falling asleep. I said our prayer of thanks, asking Heavenly Father to bless dear Kay, our family, friends, and missionaries. We slept.
Life is uplifting, if you stop and look at what's good. Thank God.