Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Far From Fatigue

My mind plays tricks when tired — a frequent occurrence in my senior condition.  At work (typically in my apartment “office” or away for WiFi) it thinks siesta as my sweet solution prescribed by doctors.  At play, it goes for more fun and games (no home TV yet, but likely next month).  How do your parents or grandparents respond to fatigue?  (“extreme tiredness resulting from mental or physical exertion or illness.”  — New Oxford American)

Memories of Cannon Beach with my wife Kay, for example, carry me far from fatigue, and make me feel young again.  Anticipating my return to winter skiing, which brings back memories of winter quarter at the University of Utah, gives me a familiar burst of energy.  And good music does it to me.  With Colonial Court stairs to run, I forget fatigue and go far to the top in two-step increments (an old habit from work in the ‘80s that’s hard to break).  Serving others uplifts me as well.  Resting in common areas to visit with friendly neighbors is spiritually energizing.  I’m lovin’ life here.

With some healthy fast food, it’s a mind game I can use to “travel” with my sweetheart Kay, get my jobs done, enjoy life, and feel grateful to God for taking me far from fatigue.  Write your own prescription, and live ... with love