Yesterday and today with family and friends, I celebrated the first twelve months in my new home at Colonial Court Apartments. As previous, it is like heaven to me, here in Ogden, Utah. For my “holiday open house”, food served in our front social room and small-group tours enjoyed in my studio apartment went simply as planned (and inspired by my party-expert wife Kay).
I’m surrounded by people who love people and are some of the luckiest in the world. (Am I recalling Barbra’s song?) Many of my older neighbors look out for each other on a daily basis. Some are ministering sisters and brothers as directed by inspired leaders in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They and others are led by the Spirit with pure love for those in need; (aren’t we all in need?)
Living within easy walking distance of everything I need ... is heaven to me. Across the street are the temple and the FamilySearch Center, reminding me that families can be forever, and my companion in Heaven is not far away. Continuing our work on both sides brings us joy, and hopefully brings others closer to the Savior, whose life is the perfect example of everlasting love.