“Happy New Year!” is how I started my gratitude journal at “3:45 PM 1/1/2009 [F5 key on MS Notepad] Thurs. cc252” (a place familiar to the few people who might read this.) I had determined to “start and keep a ‘gratitude journal’ this year.” Introducing my work of brief daily notes, “My daily gratitude is [foremost] to my Father in Heaven.”
Now as we approach Thanksgiving, I share a few notes to remind myself of daily miracles, and possibly help others see what is really happening around us, in spite of the constant “noise and clutter” of the world.
“10:57 PM 1/4/2009 Sun. I'm especially thankful today for our daughter … on her … birthday. [She] is spiritual, lovely, talented, caring, fun & humorous.” [and very good looking!]
“3/17/2009 6pm [flashback:] 12/22/08 10:27a "I-15 N.Ogden and north: huge snow. Big rig just slid off [doing a 180] at Willard bend! right in front of me! It was a miracle I wasn't hit!”
“8:28 PM 3/18/2009 Wed. I was cut off and nearly hit by careless drivers twice today, once by big SUV on way to work …, another on I-15 by a car. Thank God for someone up there watching out for me. And what a beautiful day it was!”
“11:23 PM 4/19/2009 Sun. [a birthday] [My wife] and I are so grateful for our "baby" daughter!” [a beautiful woman making extraordinary contributions to the world around her.]
“1:26 PM 5/10/2009 Sun. --Mothers Day. Today I am most grateful for my angel mother, a shining light in my life, growing brighter each year. I feel she is close; and although she is very involved doing the Lord's work on the other side, she's not too busy to influence my life for good. I am also so thankful for [my wife], the wonderful mother of our five children; and for her mother, another great light in my life.”
“9:45 PM 9/23/2009 Tues. I'm thankful for having had my job for 2-1/2 yrs, and for all the wonderful people I've been privileged to serve.” [And a super boss! I will be forever grateful for Arthur; his hiring me was a miracle.]
“Sat. [after Thanksgiving Day 2009] A family walk at GSL Shorelands Preserve [on the boardwalk] was wonderful --just what we needed. Watched [with grandchildren] "The First Thanksgiving" animated video from Living Scriptures; grateful for the Pilgrims' sacrifices and faith.”