Friday, November 19, 2010


Having read my “Acronym, Initialism, Abbrev.” posted on October 26, 2010, you will instantly recognize TGIF as an … (you got it!)
ini·tial·ism / noun /
"an acronym or abbreviation formed from initial letters, specif., one pronounced using the letters' names rather than phonetically (Ex.: CD, DNA, ...)" 

Disclaimer:  This is not a promotion for the restaurant, where it's sure delight at the red-and-white, and you can “stretch your taste buds’ limits ...”

Since 1971, TGIF for me has been "Thank Goodness It's Forever."  That's how I feel about my young bride (a few years younger than I, anyway).

At Thanksgiving time, for many it's "Thank Goodness It's Food!"  But the key operative word is THANK, and the word Goodness was originally God, the ultimate source of goodness and life.

May this season provide food for feelings of gratitude; and Thank God It’s Family.