Several years ago, my wife and I put on a party in our senior community; (we were the "youngsters" living there.) The activity we created that everyone loved was "Name That Movie" (clips of old classics, of course). The social room with a kitchen and big-screen TV was perfect for this. It was like what we did decades earlier with young couples for Valentines in East Mill Creek; (you guessed it –lots of romantic movies.)
The idea came from the old “Name That Tune” --“a television game show that put two contestants against each other to test their knowledge of songs. Premiering in the United States on NBC Radio in 1952, …” --Wikipedia.
The following are examples of what you can put together yourself, according to your own group’s interests. They come from TV, radio, newspaper, magazines, and movies –to search and learn/verify the source, or medium. Try it with a friend and see who can guess first, before relying on the Internet, or who can search the fastest, right out of the gate.
"It's 4pm ... Do you know where your money is?" –Maria
"The Portwenn Effect"
"great music — sound ideas"
Rome temple
"When in Rome"
"Prepare for the Blessings"
The Last Great Places
"That's logistics ... a continuous link that is always in sync ..." (UPS)
The 3-D Evangelist (Jeff K.)
"We ride!" --Lucky D.; "We fight!" --Ned N.; "We love!" --Dusty B.;
(always together ... forever!)
I hope you searched and found a few. It’s fast, and food for fun.