Monday, October 31, 2011

1st or 2nd Biggest Holiday?

On a quick morning break, I wonder if Halloween is the 1st or 2nd biggest U.S. holiday of the year.  Some of our fun-loving young neighbors apparently think it is #1, judging by graveyards, zombies, and other decorations set up in front yards.  I love to see it, but fortunately my wife and I are past that stage, so we can sit back and enjoy the work of others.

Google home page has a cute video of huge pumpkins being carved & lighted by the G team with costumes at headquarters, I suppose.  Then it automatically searched Halloween; (that’s spooky, like it somehow knew! (j.k.))  Here’s what it found (I’m sure everyone wants to know:)
"Halloween (or Hallowe'en), a contraction of All-Hallows-Eve (as in the day before 'All Hallows' or 'All Souls' Day), is an annual festival observed on October 31. ..."  --

The stock market was spooked at the open this morning, with all major indices or averages down –scary! (except for my put-options trick, which just now covered our holiday cost.)

My favorite fast food today?  Halloween candy I expect would be left over when trick-or-treating is done tonight.  (With the huge growth of our young neighborhood since last October, I could be in trouble!)

Have fun and be safe!  Watch out for the little ones flying around!