Last night in the first conference of our new LDS stake, President Daren Stevenson gave us a simple challenge: “Do family history work.” It’s easy to say, but sometimes overwhelming just to think about doing.
“WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? How would you answer that question? ... What is my heritage? Who are my ancestors, and what stories of their life experiences are etched in my blood? What legacy have they left me and what legacy am I leaving to my posterity? These are the questions that are the beginnings of a life-changing adventure.”
“It is perhaps this curiosity that has spawned a loyal audience for a new type [of] “reality TV” — family history television. Shows like Faces of America, Who Do You Think You Are?, and The Generations Project are becoming more popular … These shows provide a wide variety of inspiring examples of how people just like you begin their search to discover their past … and learn more about themselves in the process.” ---
[For example:] “2010 – The Generations Project -- explores the family histories of everyday people to uncover extraordinary stories. ---
The more I get into family history, the more intrigued and excited I become about the hunt, and the sacred work that follows.